Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Update 14

Staci is back home now and immediately heads back home. 

She is now a vampire. 

YAY. Money. 

Why is everyone always staring at her. 

RED! With a puppy.

Staci pays the bills and levels up with the nerds. 

Oh my gosh, is she being arrested right now?

Oh whew. Nah thats just Hank.

HE has commitment issues. 

Hank is over here for mind melding. Staci gets nothing from him so we move over to her neighbor. 

Staci learns her traits and then leaves. LOL. 


Did you forget you are a Vampire now?
S - Sooo does that mean I can't eat regular food?
le sigh

My simself is always embarrassing me. 

I randomized the trait and she got Perfectionist. 


Are they tryna tell me something?

I feel like they are... 

Staci wanted to buy something for 100$$ and I got her a dragon egg. I love these little dragons. 

But you have commitment issues...

I always click accept but it never works. Grr. 

Staci made it to level 10 of nerdland but I rejected the job because she is suppose to be a doctor in this door but looking back on it I should of accepted it. 

While Staci is at work her dragon egg hatched. 

She leaves with a promotion and I couldn't be more proud. 

She gets a wish to call her handsome friend but she has to make a long distance chat. 

Her phone call is cut short by Hank coming over. She wants to kiss him and she does. 

He likes it and kisses her back. 

Oh piss off. Let her live.

Hank is here for all the flirting and I love it. If Staci rolls the right wishes I'm moving Hank in. 

I check which dragon she got and it was the red one. Woot woot. In the inventory it goes. 

Staci wants to get to level 5 in the medical field so she practice her logic skill via chess table. 

I have her do her test now since I think within the next day or so she will be level 5.

She has hella scholarships but none in her field of choice.  

Staci finally gets to painting and makes it to level 4 before she even finished the painting. 

With that I will end this update. Join me next time for more mundane adventures. LOL

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