Monday, October 23, 2017

Update 27

I gave Staci a slight makeover and I think she is so gorgeous.

Staci is horrible when it comes to mourning. She mourns days late and then rolls wishes she would never roll ever. 

Everyone deals with it differently. Cornelia throws herself into her garden. Planting more and trying to be outside as much as possible.

Pasta throws himself into school.

And Staci ... Still hasn't began mourning.

Corn helps Pasta with his homework while Staci is on her jog.

Staci gets home from her jog and it finally hits her. Her husband is gone..

This is the first time that her children have contacted her.

Cornelia makes it a habit to scare Pasta. Poor guy.

Jovan makes an appearance and does what he does best, read. 

Staci continues to be the best and make me proud.

This is Basil son. He is super cute. 

I guess Staci is done mourning because she rolled the wish to meet someone new so we went to a neighbor's house. 

They argue over the best color and then he comforts her while she cries. 

Though she isn't sad enough not to rate him. LOL

Pasta makes me proud too. He gets a promotion which means money. Jovan was the only one with a real job lol so unless Staci continues to paint they are gonna be super poor. 

Cornelia does go to the party but she was bored so I had her jog home to complete the 4 hour opportunity. This is her jogging. It's pitiful.

With the extra money Pasta bought in I decided to spoil him a bit and give him a karaoke machine. In hindsight, I could've made a club and he could meet people but with the whole curfew thing I didn't wanna deal with it lol.

My simself is old now. 

We accept the date only to find out she is a young adult. 

I send them to the movies and spot someone important. 

Basil daughter! She is so pretty. I love her..

Her traits are great too.

The movie finishes late and Pasta gets busted by the police. 

Staci yells at him but then lets him go. 

Red's first baby.

I love how depending on your traits you paint different pictures. 

Since all Pasta does is play video games he got high enough to pick a new trait. He randomly rolled neat. 

Hank heard Staci is now single again and gives her a call. She keeps it friendly and doesn't roll any wishes for him.

Such a pretty picture.

Pasta and Cornelia relationship has tanked a lot because Cornelia is always playing tricks on him.

Pasta has his birthday and rolls Technophobe which doesn't fit but *Shurgs*

He is cute and looks like a great mix between both of his parents. 

Because he is level 10 in his nerd influence he got this job offer but I turned it down because he wants to join the Science career. 

Pasta heads to the bookstore to learn some handiness skill but I got the wrong the book and didn't realize it until he got level 4 logic skill. Oops.

This is also so pretty. 

Pasta is hungry and tired, he eats some mushrooms and thankfully he doesn't become one with nature. 

I missed it but Cornelia just scared Pasta again. I know he is so tired of her. 

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