Pasta star watches to complete a wish but he never finds that star.
On the bright side he gained a logic skill.
Pasta needs to work on his gardening for a promotion. He has a bit of a collection going.
Staci wanted this game but Pasta is the only one that plays it.
Staci: Don't be a hipster okay son? Arcade games are bad quality and before your time.
Pasta is doing so amazing at his job. Like I've never been more proud.
Staci was super super stressed and Basil was there .. so they woohoo'd in the igloo.
I ended up saving Pasta because he is so amazing.
Pasta is a technophobe, in case anyone forgot, so he was trying to sabotage the karaoke machine but he usually fails at that.
Pasta is like I am so tired of this shit. Staci has a new man all the time. Honestly she has so many RI I don't know how she was never accused of cheating.
Basil son is getting some action too, no worries.
Staci: Crap, It's my birthday! I'm going to be old.
Malcolm: Stay hot okay?
Malcolm: So close.
Basil was still around playing the guitar. He doesn't care about Staci having other lovers. Also.. Age has not done Basil any good.
I give Staci a makeover and love her even more.
She is still a writer but it takes forever because she doesn't have that trait.
Jovan comes out and waves at his now very old wife.
Jovan: Soon... So soon you will be joining me.
OH yeah!
Staci blog is so bad that Tragic Clown sent her money. Poor girl.
Pasta wanted to throw a gift giving party so we go for it.
It was a pretty small party, which was obviously a mistake because Pasta got the worst gift ever.
A rainbow light.. What are they trying to imply?
It is taking her so long to write her SECOND book, she is now level 8.
The Goodie clan can't do anything without one person dying.
Honestly we have so many ghost out in the yard we should be a cemetery.
Also... We see Grim so much he feels comfortable enough to chit chat with Pasta.
Whose cat is this? Wtf.
Staci is always stressed. I've never meant such an unhappy person. Like wtf.
Most people are leaving the party so Pasta relaxes in the hot tub. Once again something Staci wanted but never uses.
The woohoo never happened for .. reasons but the makeout helped Staci not be super stressed anymore.
I'm going to guess this is Pastas best friend cat.
In front of a grim snowman Staci goes after her sons bestie/the maid. What the hell.
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